Sunday, January 22, 2012



So what really is going on here? We have a man with his back turned to us and no features and he's having a dream or vision of some sort and in his dream are 7 cups each of which have something in it. These things are basically unrelated to each other- a man's head, a illuminated mushroom, a snake, a castle, some jewels, a wreath, and a strange red dragon/serpent looking creature. 

The answer to this question actually lies in the question itself which is WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON HERE? The name of this card is ILLUSIONARY SUCCESS. The astrological correspondence is Scorpio in Venus and it is an unsuitable combination as the destructive and decaying nature of Scorpio takes it's toll on Venus resulting in self-deception, often on an egocentric level. So no matter where this card shows up in the spread, be it past, present, or future position, one thing is certain- SOMETHING IS NOT AS SEEMS. 

This card's appearance in a spread is usually seldom. Since it doesn't appear often and has one very specific implication, I call this a very bankable card. In regards to the subject they're asking about, I always tell the person I'm reading for that for sure there is an illusionary aspect to the success of this. More directly, there is something they have put their hopes or trust in regarding the outcome that is not what it seems. Because of it's element, the card also signifies a watering-down or diluted aspect to the situation. Since it is a very "heady" card, it is not uncommon for this card to also point out an addiction such as drugs, alcohol, or carnal. 

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